Partnering with PeachTree Media to Reduce The Stigma of Mental Illness through the Media
These Are the Heroes with the Passion to Transform Their Communities
Our Partners

Empowering Minds, Changing Narratives
Facing the Future with Hope (FFHN) founders, certified as national leaders by the Department of Homeland Security, have joined forces with PeachTree Media to address the trilogy of mental illness, suicide prevention, and workplace mental health.

Key Goals
- Eradicating Stigma: Through strategically planned media efforts, the partnership aims to challenge and dismantle the stigma associated with mental illness.
- Lowering Recidivism: Leveraging media-based initiatives to contribute to the reduction of recidivism and support those affected by latent trauma.

Targeted Populations
The partnership focuses on vulnerable populations, including those in the public eye, youths, women, African-American men, and communities disproportionately affected by suicide, such as Utah and the LGBTQ+ community.

Educational Campaign:
- Media-Based Community Efforts: Utilizing media tools to provide educational content, psycho-education, and resources for healthy family development.
- Print and Non-Print Media: Targeting distribution of both print and non-print media to prevent suicide among the most vulnerable populations.

Worldwide Campaign
Launching a worldwide campaign beginning in places like Genoa City, Wisconsin, and other well-known fictional places globally. The campaign integrates evidence-based interventions to curb stigma while promoting educational truths through entertainment.

Collaboration with TBN and Y&R:
FFHN and PeachTree Media plan to execute the idea of a limited to permanent series/special around the framework of TBN and Y&R. The series aims to uplift the CBS and Daytime family by incorporating educational tools regarding depressive disorders, family dynamics, and more.

Expertise and Real-World Methods
FFHN and @PTree Media look forward to sharing their expertise and real-world methods on and behind the scenes. With a focus on learning and social change, the partnership aspires to lead by example.

Reducing Stigma and Promoting Social Change
As forerunners of this movement, FFHN and PeachTree Media are committed to reducing the stigma associated with mental illness, particularly depressive disorders. Pain is information, but suffering is a choice, and through education, we aim to empower individuals to make informed choices.

Preventative Practices through Media
FFHN modifies practice patterns through integrative social health via media. PeachTree Media, with a focus on reducing suicides and lowering recidivism, joins forces with FFHN to bring about positive social change.